Extending the PowerShell range operator

The PowerShell range operator '..' can be used to create lists of sequential numbers with an increment (or decrement) of one: This is quite handy. Wouldn't it be even better if it would also support stepwise lists (FIRST, SECOND..LAST similar to Haskell where the step width is determined by the first and the second list … Continue reading Extending the PowerShell range operator

Work with files and folders that have paths longer than 260 characters in PowerShell using AlphaFS

If you try to use one of the built-in 'item' cmdlets (i.e. Get-Command *item* -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management) on the FileSystem provider with a path that is longer than 260 characters (actually > 248 characters on a folder and > 260 on a file), you will not be able to do it. For example running the line … Continue reading Work with files and folders that have paths longer than 260 characters in PowerShell using AlphaFS

How to convert Excel 97-03 (.xls) to new format (.xlsx) using office file converter (ofc.exe)

Usually one would use something like the code below in order to convert Excel 97-03 (.xls) files to the new format (.xlsx) via PowerShell through the Excel COM Interop interface: In my case since I've switched to Excel 2013 the above method (and actually all excel automation via COM Interop) is much slower than compared … Continue reading How to convert Excel 97-03 (.xls) to new format (.xlsx) using office file converter (ofc.exe)