Convert-String for PowerShell is like FlashFill for Excel

One of the many great additions that come with Powershell v5 is the Convert-String cmdlet (there is no official documentation at this point). Convert-String along with ConvertFrom-String expose FlashExtract functionality to the PowerShell world. While ConvertFrom-String allows for some very sophisticated template based parsing (Here, here and here are some good links to get started) … Continue reading Convert-String for PowerShell is like FlashFill for Excel

Simplified syntax for calculated Properties with Select-Object

Following on my journey in an attempt to make PowerShell work exactly the way I would like it to work I had a look into the syntax for calculated properties with Select-Object. Calculated properties for Select-Object are basically syntactic accidents sugar to add custom properties to objects on the fly (examples are taken from here): … Continue reading Simplified syntax for calculated Properties with Select-Object

WMI query filters with PowerShell syntax instead of WQL

PowerShell comes already with tight integration to WMI with its built-in Get-WmiObject and Get-CimInstance cmdlets. One of the things that people already familiar with PowerShell syntax bothers about WMI is that it comes with its very own query language WQL. While WQL is very similar to SQL. Wouldn't it be nicer if we could use … Continue reading WMI query filters with PowerShell syntax instead of WQL

Zen Coding for the PowerShell console and ISE

First of all let's clarify what Zen Coding actually is. According to their website: Emmet (formerly known as Zen Coding) is ... ... a web-developer’s toolkit that can greatly improve your HTML & CSS workflow. But what does this have to do with PowerShell? At least I find myself quite often trying to convert PowerShell … Continue reading Zen Coding for the PowerShell console and ISE

Simplified Where-Object for multiple conditions on the same property for PowerShell?

While PowerShell version 3 already introduced a (quite controversial) simplified syntax for the Where-Object cmdlet (alias where). It still doesn't account for a quite common error PowerShell beginners encounter when using where with multiple conditions on the same property. As an example let's say we would like to filter the range 1-10 to get only … Continue reading Simplified Where-Object for multiple conditions on the same property for PowerShell?